I’m sitting at CloudCon III – SaaSCon 2011. It’s “a Cloud Conference with a focus on Software as a Service.” Sadly the presentations are of limited value, with the same confusion I noted in my “Impressions” article (i.e. every IT business marketing department is trying to take advantage of it and rebrand their abilities “Cloud”). While not of particular technical knowledge value, they to tend to result in humorous statements by the presenters… IBM “80% of Fortune 100 companies are using IBM cloud capabilities.” Wow, you’ve got 80 customers? Really? (Those Fortune 100 companies, that spent from $200 million to $1 billion per year on IT costs, are generally using some of every capability of every major IT vendor.) Google “4 million businesses have gone Google.” As of 2007, the US Census Bureau reported there are 29,413,039 businesses in the U.S. Assuming Google’s talking just about the U.S. (and I don’t think they were), that’s...
Enough hype! Real ROI - Let's put these technologies to work!