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Showing posts from May, 2019

Cloud Native is already Yesterday

Cloud hosting, de-coupling (server) virtualization from the supporting hardware and moving it to a Public Cloud (letting the physical tier and network tier be someone else’s problem)  is old news .  Plenty of IT shops are still struggling with what to move, when or if to shut down their data centers, and the issues of data gravity… regardless, Cloud hosting has passed mainstream adoption and moved far into the Late Majority. The surprise is, Cloud Native, replacing ‘virtual machines’ and the implementation of application server (software), database server (software) and the like with “As A Service” Public Cloud services is also far along.  And  regardless of how far in the adoption cycle it is, it is far along in technology maturity. Far enough that the Public Cloud vendors have already built the next generation upon it. The next generation and next cycle, Cloud as the Application Service Layer, is already here, already market viab...