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Showing posts from October, 2014

CIO Interview–Integration (SOA / SOAP / Web Services) Impact

Some years ago I interviewed a CIO of a Fortune 500 IT vendor as part of an Integration Improvement project. His responses helped shape the goals and roadmap of the project, as business drivers and goals should always be taken into account in how one models the architecture and integration space.   The interview gives a great view of IT management business drivers in the integration space.  Company identifying information has been removed. Question: How is integration? -- Almost everyone at our company is an expert on Information Systems. -- Our culture - everyone (department/division) believes their own numbers and requirements and doesn't believe anyone else's. Words like "mutual understanding" or "common terminology" didn't exist in the past. The reason there is no real enterprise integration because of how the company is running. Each unit built their own systems. The other units came to IT and said "buy this for us or build t...