I had a chat with a former co-worker at a US Fortune 50 about IT direction, what is the status for the people there now? Leading in to the conversation is the fact they formerly had a US $1 BILLION dollar IT budget, 5,000 US IT workers and another 2,000 positions outsourced (to India). First they cut that budget to $800 million, then cut a straight 25% of the US IT workforce... Friend: I miss you so much in the office... these people will chase their tales for months, its insane. Akiva: So basicaly Company has pulled back from IT being strategic to just another basic function they have to put up with? Friend: Its funny because everyone is frustrated... they all want it done the "right" way... but won't invest the money to do it that way. So we spin round and round trying to find a cheap, but "right" way to do it and it never happens. Today I'm chasing another department to get 'free' services that they don't give away free (without internal c...
Enough hype! Real ROI - Let's put these technologies to work!